Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Six years

A whole year has passed since then

365 days of love, laughter, anger, peace, squabbles, happiness - and I hope that there's been more good than bad - days; honestly, I cannot remember. But I do know that the husband and I have passed the serious, life-shattering type of fights. Even when we squabble, I tell myself that the bad feelings will pass, and it will be fine again. I never was like this before (this = mature/normal/less-dramatic); and truly the husband has played a big part in my life, in how more grounded I have become. 

Of course, things may not always be this way; and there may come a point where we strongly disagree. But I hope that we'll always communicate openly and resolve it/find a compromise. 

That's what it is all about, isn't it. 

And so, while the husband and I spent the most unromantic, monotonous, unexciting, nothing-special type of day together yesterday (uh, does going to the market downstairs to tapau dinner together - just us, no kids - count?) - I think it's the bigger things that really matter. The fact that despite him cancelling his class last-minute in hope that we could have a couple dinner together; he still respected my decision to go for a run instead because I needed it. That we watched our wedding baby video together with the kids (and have them point to our baby pics and name themselves haha). That we were all home together, going about the usual daily routine, none of us ill or sick and in fact, very well. Maybe with the chaos that I faced at work yesterday, the pain that people are suffering from real calamities (prayers for those on MH370 & their family & loved ones)... just puts life into context that sometimes, the most precious things are the most basic and simple. No need for drama and elaborate anything-at-all. 

People say that there may not be such a thing as "soul mates"; and maybe it is a matter of compatibility at one point in time, but I think that I'm very fortunate to have the husband - he feels right and if that's what a soul mate is, then I've got it. I never tire of replaying our lives over the past 19 years and how it crossed and uncrossed; and I do think our story was always written and meant to be. 

To the husband, you are what I need today, the last 6 years, and hopefully for many more years. I'm not a great person, not a perfect Mom, and you obviously think I'm very mar fun. But what you see is what you get and I hope that we remain happy and contented and healthy as a family, as a couple - I love you. Happy anniversary, baby.

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