Monday, December 24, 2012

Our very own Christmas Tree

It's been nearly a year since we moved into our own home. And it's the first time we bought our very own Christmas tree. Actually, there were two hiccups before we finally got this tree. The first was our unfruitful trip to Ikea to purchase the tree. Then was the unfortunate non-delivery of our Christmas tree after we made an online purchase. Finally, the husband made a trip to the mall (where there were trees available) and lugged one home all by himself. Gotta give this man a medal for his doggedness (though... in anticipation of our tree we'd gone shopping for much ornaments before we got the tree haha!)

So it's with much pride, love and joy that I share these pictures with you. Jake's still too young, but we engaged Kate to set-up, decorate and marvel in the beauty of our very own Christmas tree.

Spreading the branches of the tree
Putting the ornaments up

Placing the presents under the tree

Our beautiful tree. There was a magical moment when the husband first switched off the lights for us to take a look at the completed tree, lights and all. It was absolutely delicious watching Kate gasp in sheer amazement and delight. I'm so proud and thankful of my beautiful little family of four.

Merry Christmas to you, hope you're having a great Eve this 2012.

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